
Don't get left behind! Increase your value as a web developer today by learning how to integrate AI in to your projects!

This course uses the pages router but is currently going through an update to use the Next JS 14 and the app router.

Welcome to the exciting world of AI-powered, next-generation, Next JS apps!

In this course we will create a fictional Software-As-A-Service (SAAS) product called "BlogStandard". We'll build "BlogStandard" using a combination of Next.js, OpenAI's GPT, MongoDB, Auth0, Stripe, and Tailwind CSS. BlogStandard allows users to create an account (handled by auth0), purchase tokens (handled by stripe), and spend those tokens to generate blog posts, powered by OpenAI's GPT API. User's tokens and generated blog posts will be stored using MongoDB.

In this comprehensive online course, you'll learn how to harness the power of these cutting-edge technologies to build a fast, responsive, and dynamic web application that generates high-quality blog posts using AI. With step-by-step guidance, you'll gain hands-on experience working with each of these technologies to bring your vision to life.

First, we'll dive into Next.js, a popular framework for building web applications. You'll learn how to create fast and responsive pages, manage routing, and integrate APIs to build a powerful and dynamic web application.

Next, we'll explore OpenAI's GPT, the state-of-the-art language generation model, and learn how to use it to generate high-quality blog posts. You'll also discover how to integrate MongoDB, a scalable and flexible NoSQL database, to store and manage data for our application.

In addition, you'll learn how to use Auth0, a powerful identity management platform, to handle user authentication and authorization, and Stripe, a leading payment processor, to handle transactions and payment processing. Finally, you'll learn how to use Tailwind CSS, a modern CSS framework, to style and design your application, bringing your vision to life.

By the end of this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge you need to build your own AI-powered app and unleash the full potential of AI in your web development projects. So what are you waiting for? Join now and start your journey to the exciting world of AI-powered Next JS apps!


Don't get left behind! Increase your value as a web developer today by learning how to integrate AI in to your projects!

This course uses the pages router but is currently going through an update to use the Next JS 14 and the app router.

Welcome to the exciting world of AI-powered, next-generation, Next JS apps!

In this course we will create a fictional Software-As-A-Service (SAAS) product called "BlogStandard". We'll build "BlogStandard" using a combination of Next.js, OpenAI's GPT, MongoDB, Auth0, Stripe, and Tailwind CSS. BlogStandard allows users to create an account (handled by auth0), purchase tokens (handled by stripe), and spend those tokens to generate blog posts, powered by OpenAI's GPT API. User's tokens and generated blog posts will be stored using MongoDB.

In this comprehensive online course, you'll learn how to harness the power of these cutting-edge technologies to build a fast, responsive, and dynamic web application that generates high-quality blog posts using AI. With step-by-step guidance, you'll gain hands-on experience working with each of these technologies to bring your vision to life.

First, we'll dive into Next.js, a popular framework for building web applications. You'll learn how to create fast and responsive pages, manage routing, and integrate APIs to build a powerful and dynamic web application.

Next, we'll explore OpenAI's GPT, the state-of-the-art language generation model, and learn how to use it to generate high-quality blog posts. You'll also discover how to integrate MongoDB, a scalable and flexible NoSQL database, to store and manage data for our application.

In addition, you'll learn how to use Auth0, a powerful identity management platform, to handle user authentication and authorization, and Stripe, a leading payment processor, to handle transactions and payment processing. Finally, you'll learn how to use Tailwind CSS, a modern CSS framework, to style and design your application, bringing your vision to life.

By the end of this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge you need to build your own AI-powered app and unleash the full potential of AI in your web development projects. So what are you waiting for? Join now and start your journey to the exciting world of AI-powered Next JS apps!

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Do you know how to build a website but want to speed up development?

Do you want to work gigs overnight?

Have a look at this course. It takes less than an hour!

I will teach you how to speed up development by using AI tools and have clients.

  • I start by teaching you how to visualize your requirements using a C4 architecture model.

  • Then I teach you how to use ChatGPT and DeepAI to generate the basics of your website content. Look at it as a template that you can modify. It will save you hours!

  • I then teach how to use AWS services to host your site.

  • I also teach you how to setup a Fiverr account which you will use to gather your own clients.

  • I will push you to cross the fear limit by building confidence on the final assignment and final project.

With the basic knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3 you should be able to feel comfortable following the course. This is not a programming course, this course is about using tools to speed up development and deliver a service to real clients. It uses your time wisely by lasting less than an hour. I cannot promise that clients and money will fall from the sky but the comprehension of this course will lead you to the path of selling your services as your own business.

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Do you know how to build a website but want to speed up development?

Do you want to work gigs overnight?

Have a look at this course. It takes less than an hour!

I will teach you how to speed up development by using AI tools and have clients.

  • I start by teaching you how to visualize your requirements using a C4 architecture model.

  • Then I teach you how to use ChatGPT and DeepAI to generate the basics of your website content. Look at it as a template that you can modify. It will save you hours!

  • I then teach how to use AWS services to host your site.

  • I also teach you how to setup a Fiverr account which you will use to gather your own clients.

  • I will push you to cross the fear limit by building confidence on the final assignment and final project.

With the basic knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3 you should be able to feel comfortable following the course. This is not a programming course, this course is about using tools to speed up development and deliver a service to real clients. It uses your time wisely by lasting less than an hour. I cannot promise that clients and money will fall from the sky but the comprehension of this course will lead you to the path of selling your services as your own business.


In this course you will learn how to create an awesome but simple chat application using .NET7, SignalR and Angular.

You also learn how to deploy and publish your creative application onto Azure in order for everyone in this world use it and have fun with it.

You will learn how to use .NET Web Api talking with Angular project and how to use SignalR to to send asynchronous notifications to our angular web application where user can chat with each other.

After creating our application and finishing it, then we will use of Angular build cli command to make a production of our angular application. Everything from angular project will be built and stored in our Web API wwwwroot folder and from there we will be able to deploy our awesome application into Azure and make our chat application available for the rest of the world. We also how to use from github to save our changes into repository. We also learn how to design our chat application using Bootstrap 5. By the end of this course you will have the confident to write some basic web api, angular and signalr application from developing to production. We learn how to use of angular services in order to connect to signalr hubs as well.


In this course you will learn how to create an awesome but simple chat application using .NET7, SignalR and Angular.

You also learn how to deploy and publish your creative application onto Azure in order for everyone in this world use it and have fun with it.

You will learn how to use .NET Web Api talking with Angular project and how to use SignalR to to send asynchronous notifications to our angular web application where user can chat with each other.

After creating our application and finishing it, then we will use of Angular build cli command to make a production of our angular application. Everything from angular project will be built and stored in our Web API wwwwroot folder and from there we will be able to deploy our awesome application into Azure and make our chat application available for the rest of the world. We also how to use from github to save our changes into repository. We also learn how to design our chat application using Bootstrap 5. By the end of this course you will have the confident to write some basic web api, angular and signalr application from developing to production. We learn how to use of angular services in order to connect to signalr hubs as well.


Hi there! My name is Alvin and I am the CTO of EZread, an education-based website that provides students with summaries of their textbooks using the power of GPT-3 artificial intelligence. In this course, we will be using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js) to build a full stack SaaS web application that leverages GPT-3.

GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) is a state-of-the-art natural language processing model developed by OpenAI. It has the ability to generate human-like text, complete tasks such as translation and summarization, and even generate code

By combining the power of GPT-3 with full stack development, we can create truly innovative and dynamic SaaS web applications that can improve various industries and solve real-world problems. In this course, we will explore how to utilize GPT-3 in a full stack SaaS web application, as well as learn the skills needed to build a such an application using the MERN stack and Stripe (for payment processing).

Whether you are a beginner developer looking to get started with GPT-3 or an experienced programmer looking to add this powerful tool to your skillset, this course has something for everyone. By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of how to leverage GPT-3 and the MERN stack to build modern, intelligent SaaS web applications. So join me in this exciting journey and let's create something great together!


Hi there! My name is Alvin and I am the CTO of EZread, an education-based website that provides students with summaries of their textbooks using the power of GPT-3 artificial intelligence. In this course, we will be using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js) to build a full stack SaaS web application that leverages GPT-3.

GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) is a state-of-the-art natural language processing model developed by OpenAI. It has the ability to generate human-like text, complete tasks such as translation and summarization, and even generate code

By combining the power of GPT-3 with full stack development, we can create truly innovative and dynamic SaaS web applications that can improve various industries and solve real-world problems. In this course, we will explore how to utilize GPT-3 in a full stack SaaS web application, as well as learn the skills needed to build a such an application using the MERN stack and Stripe (for payment processing).

Whether you are a beginner developer looking to get started with GPT-3 or an experienced programmer looking to add this powerful tool to your skillset, this course has something for everyone. By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of how to leverage GPT-3 and the MERN stack to build modern, intelligent SaaS web applications. So join me in this exciting journey and let's create something great together!


This course with ChatGPT is the perfect opportunity for aspiring developers and anyone interested in machine learning to learn how to build an AI application from scratch and take part in the massive upcoming market opportunity early on.

Using the OpenAI API and the latest web development technologies such as React, Next.js, JavaScript, Node, and CSS, you will learn how to create a fully functional AI-powered application that can generate pet names for users.

Throughout the course, you will gain hands-on experience with React Hooks, and learn how to use Fetch to make API calls and npx to run Node commands. By the end of the course, you will have a full working application that you can add to your portfolio and use as a valuable tool for job interviews.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this course with chatGPT is designed to give you the knowledge and skills you need to take your development skills to the next level. Not only will you learn how to build an AI application, but you will also gain a deeper understanding of machine learning, which is an in-demand skill in today's job market.

By taking this chatGPT OpenAI course, you will have the opportunity to work on a real-world project that you can showcase to potential employers and demonstrate your ability to work with cutting-edge technologies. The application that you will build is not only useful but also fun and interactive, which will make your learning experience even more enjoyable.

Enroll now and join our community of aspiring developers and machine learning enthusiasts as we build a chatbot using OpenAI's GPT-3 technology. By the end of the course, you will have a full working application and the skills to create your own AI-powered projects.

The world is shifting more and more towards learning and working at home. This is an opportunity for you to start learning the most in demand skills, showcase those coding development skills, and gain the experiences you need to develop your passion into something real. 

ChatGPT is not a replacement, but an enhancing tool and an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to programming and analyzing code, and ignoring the utility now or at the very least not giving it a proper test run could very well be missing out early on gaining the advantage

This is the definitive ChatGPT Developer API course. After completing the final project, you will have gone through the following tools and technologies:

What's in this course?

  • How to build an AI application using the OpenAI API and web development technologies

  • Hands-on experience with React, Next.js, JavaScript, Node, and CSS

  • How to use Fetch to make API calls to OpenAI and npx to run Node commands

  • How to use React Hooks and build interactive interfaces for ChatGPT style Apps

  • How to implement machine learning concepts in a real-world project

  • How to create a fully functional AI-powered application that generates pet names for users

  • How to add the application to your portfolio and use it as a valuable tool for job interviews

  • How to gain a deeper understanding of machine learning and the skills to create your own AI-powered projects

  • How to work on a real-world project and showcase it to potential employers

  • How to learn in a fun and interactive environment and join a community of aspiring developers and machine learning enthusiasts.

This course is a focused employable bootcamp into coding on projects with ChatGPT and OpenAI

And in case if you are wondering if you need any experience to get started -

You do not need any web development or programming knowledge to get started!

This course requires zero prior knowledge to get started! Some basic web development skills including Javascript would definitely move you through the course at a much faster pace than others, however, this course includes introductory sections (they are purely optional) so that we all move through the key lessons together regardless of our skill level!

Please see the full curriculum, the free preview videos and whenever you’re ready...

Looking forward to seeing you in the lessons!


This course with ChatGPT is the perfect opportunity for aspiring developers and anyone interested in machine learning to learn how to build an AI application from scratch and take part in the massive upcoming market opportunity early on.

Using the OpenAI API and the latest web development technologies such as React, Next.js, JavaScript, Node, and CSS, you will learn how to create a fully functional AI-powered application that can generate pet names for users.

Throughout the course, you will gain hands-on experience with React Hooks, and learn how to use Fetch to make API calls and npx to run Node commands. By the end of the course, you will have a full working application that you can add to your portfolio and use as a valuable tool for job interviews.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this course with chatGPT is designed to give you the knowledge and skills you need to take your development skills to the next level. Not only will you learn how to build an AI application, but you will also gain a deeper understanding of machine learning, which is an in-demand skill in today's job market.

By taking this chatGPT OpenAI course, you will have the opportunity to work on a real-world project that you can showcase to potential employers and demonstrate your ability to work with cutting-edge technologies. The application that you will build is not only useful but also fun and interactive, which will make your learning experience even more enjoyable.

Enroll now and join our community of aspiring developers and machine learning enthusiasts as we build a chatbot using OpenAI's GPT-3 technology. By the end of the course, you will have a full working application and the skills to create your own AI-powered projects.

The world is shifting more and more towards learning and working at home. This is an opportunity for you to start learning the most in demand skills, showcase those coding development skills, and gain the experiences you need to develop your passion into something real. 

ChatGPT is not a replacement, but an enhancing tool and an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to programming and analyzing code, and ignoring the utility now or at the very least not giving it a proper test run could very well be missing out early on gaining the advantage

This is the definitive ChatGPT Developer API course. After completing the final project, you will have gone through the following tools and technologies:

What's in this course?

  • How to build an AI application using the OpenAI API and web development technologies

  • Hands-on experience with React, Next.js, JavaScript, Node, and CSS

  • How to use Fetch to make API calls to OpenAI and npx to run Node commands

  • How to use React Hooks and build interactive interfaces for ChatGPT style Apps

  • How to implement machine learning concepts in a real-world project

  • How to create a fully functional AI-powered application that generates pet names for users

  • How to add the application to your portfolio and use it as a valuable tool for job interviews

  • How to gain a deeper understanding of machine learning and the skills to create your own AI-powered projects

  • How to work on a real-world project and showcase it to potential employers

  • How to learn in a fun and interactive environment and join a community of aspiring developers and machine learning enthusiasts.

This course is a focused employable bootcamp into coding on projects with ChatGPT and OpenAI

And in case if you are wondering if you need any experience to get started -

You do not need any web development or programming knowledge to get started!

This course requires zero prior knowledge to get started! Some basic web development skills including Javascript would definitely move you through the course at a much faster pace than others, however, this course includes introductory sections (they are purely optional) so that we all move through the key lessons together regardless of our skill level!

Please see the full curriculum, the free preview videos and whenever you’re ready...

Looking forward to seeing you in the lessons!